Points of interest:
It has a little bit of Jurassic Park, Disneyland, the Biennal of Venice and Alice in Wonderland. The botanic garden cultivates 4.300 different species of plants and holds a catalogue of over 1.500 sorts of palm trees. That is the biggest palm tree collection of the world. The Institute is the only place in Latin America, where you can find a titan arum plant, a native plant from Indonesia, also known as the biggest flower of the world.
Everyone of the over 20 galleries counts with his own conductor, but there are plenty specialized guides you can hire. You can also hire an internal transportation service.
Since 2004 Inhotim is one of the most important places for modern art in Brazil. It is known as the biggest open-air Institute for arts in Latin America.
Following the information of the locals, the place, where they build up Inhotim, was in the 19th century property of an English mining company. The owner of that company was an English Gentleman named Timothy. The workers called him simply “Senhor Tim”. That was spelled “Nhô Tim” ou “Inhô Tim”.
At the return to Belo Horizonte it is possible to stop by an place called “Piedade de Paraopeba”. It is one of the first villages (1674), when the portuguese came to Minas Gerais. The architecture of the church in center is still pre-baroque, it was build by the Jesuit Order in 1713. Later we pass through the state park “Serra Rola-Moça”, known for its fountainheads, it is relevant for the supply for the capital.
Distance to the capital Belo Horizonte: 60km
Private Tour: Wednesday to Sunday
08:00AM – Meeting point: Hotel or Residence
09:30AM – Arrival at the Inhotim Cultural Institute Sightseeing: 18 galleries, 450 artworks, more than 4.300 species of tropical plants, more than 1.500 species of palm trees.
04:00PM – Return to Belo Horizonte
06:00PM – Arrival at the Hotel or Residence
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